Message Line: (802)257-5800

Dummerston Cares Fire Safety Program

DUMMERSTON RESIDENTS: Protect your family and home today! Don’t delay – register for your free fire safety upgrades now. Dummerston homeowners can now get smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire escape ladders installed for FREE through the Raise...

Dummerston Cares 2022 End of Summer Picnic

DUMMERSTON RESIDENTS:Sunday, September 11, 2022, from 3–6 P.M.We’re planning a parade, field games, music & storytelling and a show-and-tell space for town businesses, organizations and committees.We’ll socialize with our friends and neighbors as we enjoy what’s...

T’ai Chi Class Openings

Cares’ T’ai Chi class, Wu Style, is accepting new students at this time. The class is led by John Hury who has taught T’ai Chi for over 40 years. John has a master’s degree in clinical psychology. His master’s thesis was on the...

Putney Area Community Loan Fund

The Putney (Area) Community Loan Fund (PCSLF) can make  low interest (5%) loans to residents of Dummerston, Putney and Westminster. No collateral, no fees, pay back over 26 installments. The money is from the community and for the community and not from the government...